Gen X-I

August 31, 2006

From ‘Have you eaten?’ to ‘Jiak Ba Buay?’

Filed under: Moments in Singapore, Rambling — fujinitsuki @ 5:43 am

It’s amazing how an everyday life situation that I’ve taken for granted throughout my formative years, now appears paradoxical perhaps owing to my short hiatus from Singapore.

I’ve noticed for instance, how my new acquaintances – amongst Chinese Singaporeans – often strike conversations with me in English rather than our mother tongue, Mandarin, especially in official settings.

Fellow Chinese Singaporeans will probably recognise similar scenarios in everyday life – we often get to converse in Mandarin with these new acquaintances only when we get to know them better (in person(s)).

And of course who can forget the controversially ‘popular’ Singlish or the de facto lingua for army boys, Hokkien. Methinks these ‘street lingo’ are often engaged when Singaporeans wish to forge a further bonding with one another.

This may be far from a universal truth but I so wonder if language use in an everyday conversation may be an index of familiarity between two Singaporeans.

That being the case, it will certainly be heartening when your fellow colleague starts greeting you with ‘Jiak Ba Buay*?’ rather than ‘Have you eaten?’

*Jiak Ba Buay? – Have you eaten? in Hokkien.

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