Gen X-I

September 14, 2006

New Asian Women

Filed under: Gender and Sexuality — fujinitsuki @ 2:35 pm

Trying to google for related materials on Asian women and Ming Tan’s ‘How to Attract an Asian Woman’ came up top of the list.

While John Gray was heavily critiqued for endorsing longstanding myths of men and women (see further discussion on Whitebait’s post), Ming Tan has attracted a fair share of scathing remarks from incensed (mostly Asian) women.

However, it is pretty obvious from the thumbs up given by other (presumably Caucasian male from the Amazon record) readers, that Ming has successfully appealed to those ‘suffering’ from what one critique termed as ‘the epidemic of yellow fever’.

If John Gray has reinforced the feminine stereotype, then Ming has possibly augmented the image of hyperfeminised Asian women.

Of course, Ming’s book is but one amongst the many divergent feminine representations emerging in Asia. The West may still be dominated by the likes of Dragon ladies (aka Lucy Liu in Ally McBeal, Sandra Oh in Grey Anatomy) or exotic bodies (eg Susie Wong, arguably the Madam Butterfly), but the tide is set to change in Asia. Women not adhering to such stereotypes are gaining voices gradually but surely. Perhaps sensitive to such shifts in mindsets, media productions in Asia have begun to portray women in a different light. Blogs as a medium that privileges individual voices over critical mass have perhaps exacerbated this trend.

Here I set the prelude to a series of blog posts where I hope to capture some of the arguably most influential representations of women in popular culture, that have served to reinvent or in some instances, challenge the notions of the Asian feminine.

This is far from an exhaustive study, but I do hope like-minded individuals may contribute to the limited literature I will be collating in this blog.


  1. my two cent’s worth on cool asian women : maggie cheung!

    Comment by sneakyniki — September 14, 2006 @ 10:52 pm

  2. I quite like Maggie Cheung as well :), but I’m not sure how relevant she may be in the context
    of my study. Care to share what you think of Maggie, Niki?

    Comment by fujinitsuki — September 16, 2006 @ 4:38 pm

  3. No need for that conciliatory wave Gen X-i. Just Whitebait ranting in his little corner of the blogosphere (doesn’t mean he is actually convincing or right).

    Great idea for a project:-)

    Comment by whitebait — September 17, 2006 @ 10:33 am

  4. haha ok, edited as per your request. And you’ve got a point there, it’s not just plain ranting,

    Comment by fujinitsuki — September 18, 2006 @ 12:50 pm

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