Gen X-I

September 22, 2006

Making a joke out of Racism

Filed under: Asian Popular Culture — fujinitsuki @ 5:38 pm

via Youtube.

Freaking smartass way of putting across the sticky issues around racism. If you are an aspiring racist, take the cue from Russell Peters. Be a stand-up comic. Start off by cracking jokes about your own race, then pepper it with jokes about others (eg Africans). Hey, this is quite a classic answer to my racist post.

I do so wonder what Mr. Peters would say to my post on illegal (male) Indian sex labour in Singapore. One thing for sure, hormonal population control ain’t gonna make it as an official answer to appease the ruling elites in an island nation strapped of (human) resources.


  1. racism//comedy

    Russell Peters talks races

    [Direct link]

    Hilarious! I haven’t heard much of Russel Peters but he’s good.

    I always heard about construction workers being gay, holding hands at night. The people here think it’s disgusting. I a…

    Trackback by //beconfused — September 24, 2006 @ 1:36 am

  2. Russel Peters is the best at observation, social commentary, and getting people to admit…”yea, we do that…” without having some watchdog getting all sensitive. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then what right do you have to laugh at others….which is something a racist can never do.

    So no aspiring racist wil be able to learn anything from Russel.

    Comment by rocketfuel — November 7, 2007 @ 5:46 pm

  3. Rocketfuel – thanks for the note and I accept thee point. Although my original worry is that racism could indeed assume the guise of a ‘good[/bad] joke’. Are you a fan of Russel Peters?

    Comment by fujinitsuki — November 11, 2007 @ 9:09 am

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