Gen X-I

September 29, 2006

Reading Asian brands in Singapore

Filed under: Asian Popular Culture, Moments in Singapore — fujinitsuki @ 2:48 pm

Check out what I found in my Project Shop Blood Brothers shopping bag today:

nation brochure

and what came along in the sling bag for Xodus – shoe retailer whom I understand has a manufacturing facility based in Malaysia:


Seems to me cross-marketing is the in trend amongst retailers in Singapore. Zouk and Nation Party being the renowned party venue and event locally and regionally, these brochures also impress upon the recipient (me) the (desired) profile of the customers – Xodus is going for those young nubile party-goers at Zouk and Project Shop Blood Brothers has, once again, sealed its reputation as the gay-friendly brand.

Me? I don’t really fit well into either categories. Ok, the most I would go is gay friendly, but I’m certainly far from young and nubile. But does it speak of my inner aspirations? Maybe ;). Ain’t it a commonly accepted myth that the vibrant youths and gay population are more often than not the trendsetters in a cosmopolitan city. Right, I’m fetishizing the youth and gay culture again :P.

Anyways, the ticket pricing for Nation Party is certainly telling of the extent of economic loss to Singapore for NOT hosting the event within its homophobic terrain.

The logos printed at the back of Nation Party card speak volume of a different story in the corporate world. MNCs – like Hilton and JetStar – certainly have less reservations sponsoring and seeking branding opportunities from a glbt event. Obviously the pink dollar is too lucrative to pass up.

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