Gen X-I

December 20, 2006

Updates on the Chinese ‘Tongzhi’

Filed under: Gender and Sexuality, GLBT, Moments in Singapore — fujinitsuki @ 1:48 pm

‘Overheard’ on Channel News Asia, ‘Inside Asia’ special report by Tan Bee Leng on East Asia Tonight

Chinese ‘Tongzhi’ – literally means comrade but lately has been applied as a paradoxical reference to Chinese glbt community, appears to enjoy a more legit status in their own nation than homosexuals in Singapore. Why I say so?

1. Homosexuality has been decriminalised in China since 1997 and delisted from list of mental illnesses by the Chinese Psychiatric Society since 2004. Over here in Singapore, homosexual intercourse is still considered illegal under an antiquated statute.

2. In 2003, one of the top Chinese universities, Fudan University in Shanghai offered a course on homosexual health concerns. Owing to the overwhelming response, the university has followed up with a new course aimed to promote an understanding and social acceptance of homosexuality. I don’t recall coming across any similar offerings in Singapore Universities. But then again, which Uni would dare to venture into ‘untested but marked waters’, man.

All these initiatives are taking place in a society still deeply entrenched in the feudalistic values of carrying on the family name through male heirs. According to the same CNA report, around 80 to 90% of homosexual males opt to marry women to fulfill their familial duties.

Who says the mainland Chinese are behind times? MIW: time to learn from our imperialistic ancestors and shed that ‘conservative’ cover.

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