Gen X-I

March 3, 2007

Ramblings on treatment of extramarital affairs

Filed under: Gender and Sexuality, Politics, Rambling — fujinitsuki @ 3:12 pm

Having an extramarital affair may be a big boo boo for public figures in Singapore and serve to taint the image of politicians in America, but it’s not likely to make a big difference amongst French.

The MIW in Singapore will probably rather die than be caught with another woman or man for that matter, (other than their legitimate partner) in bed. It certainly isn’t going to sit well with their spanky clean image. But it ain’t much difference in the so-called liberated U.S. where the much adored Bill Clinton has to suffer public ‘flogging’ for his indiscretion with an intern. Now the situation will be entirely different for Clinton if he were the President of France rather than the U.S. The French appear to be totally blase towards Jacques Chirac’s confession of his extramarital affairs in his biography which made headlines elsewhere but not at all in France.

Baffled by the nonchalance of the French, the Brits put this question out to a French woman about a fortnight ago on the BBC. Apparently, Chirac’s public achievements appears to have overshadowed his private indiscretions in France. And while the feminists may scream foul play, the same freedom is also accorded to a married French woman. So if the Presidents are allowed mistresses, there’s no stopping any First Ladies from having their one night stands or affairs. But of course, the key is to handle these with discretion, which possibly explain the silence of the French media when it comes to such reportage. In fact, the French had found the Americans childlike in the handling of marriage or relationships.

So where does it place Singapore then? Are all our politicians or their wives or their families beyond reprimand when it comes to their personal lives or matters? I seriously think it’s impossible for anyone to be 100 per cent squeaky clean. Members of the opposition aren’t likely to be spared the heat from public scrutiny for any misconduct but I have doubts whether the MIW will be subject to similar treatment. I’ll say it’s more likely the silent treatment but it’s definitely not in the same class action as the French.

Whereas freedom and respect for privacy may be the French liberal operation modus, there is little or no appetite at all for such indiscretions in Singapore when it comes to public figures. That leaves no room at all for paparazzi and juicy exposes on our politicians in the majority league – unless of course, if and when they chose to step down.

Realistically speaking, no man and woman is a saint. I do not think our MIW and their families or for that matter, our Mediacorp artistes are entirely free of any blemish. I’m certainly not arguing for the value of paparazzi reports but methinks selective silent treatment has compromised the credibility of local press. Whether or not we ought to condone extramarital affairs has to be considered in conjunction with the respect for privacy (of the entire population not just the selected few). So if the ruling elites are spared the public embarrassment, it’s only fair the same should be extended to the man or woman in the street.

Do it the American or French way, but not a hybrid of both. You will only mess up nationhood with contradicting missives.

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