Gen X-I

April 12, 2007

Mark this day when he who thinks he knows all said this …

Filed under: Gender and Sexuality, Moments in Singapore — fujinitsuki @ 1:17 pm

The same man who said he regretted giving Singapore women education and berated graduate women for not having enough babies had this to say when asked about the ‘noise’ raised against increasing ministerial salaries:

“The cure to all this talk is really a good dose of incompetent government,” Lee senior told the Straits Times on Thursday, adding that it is “absurd” for Singaporeans to quarrel about ministerial pay and warned that Singapore would suffer it the government could not pay competitive salaries.

“Your security will be at risk and our women will become maids in other people’s countries,” he said.

Quote from CNN via Mr Wang.

Ain’t it strange how to some of the martians, women can only be categorised into worker female ants, baby producing machines or the ‘lowly subservient’ maids (blogger does not endorse adjectives in quotation marks, they are plainly an eunciation of what he who thinks he knows all possibly feel towards foreign maids)?

Am beginning to think I need to get a p**** transplant to fit in here in Singapore, because I can’t see myself aligning with any of the above categories, haha…

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