Gen X-I

August 1, 2007

Wealth is a relative concept, so is the value of life

Filed under: Moments in Singapore, Rambling — fujinitsuki @ 2:51 pm

Would you stick your head out for US$3,000? These men are about to lose their lives for US$3,000 worth of crude oil, or more specifically less than US$1,000 for each of their share. It makes me wonder about the concept of wealth and the value of life. About a year ago, an Indian course-mate was wondering aloud in class about how human lives in Australia seem to be valued more than those back home (in India). She was referring to the numerous accounts on victims dying from drunk driving accidents. In India, she said these will not warrant much of a mention in the news – well needless to say, the work volume would be too much for local press to handle. But it also speaks of the relative value of human lives in Australia – where population density is low, and in India – the second most populous nation in the world.

There is also the question of whose lives matter more? The lives of wealthier nationals/citizens, or those hovering above the poverty line. Granted the Chinese nationals should be aware of the harsh punishment, but is life worth living if everyday is a struggle to meet your most basic human needs? Greed is definitely a factor in the equation, yet in a nation where some are surviving on less than US$1 a day, US$3,000 is a lot of money indeed, and may just be worth risking your neck for.

Wealth is relative, but so is the value of life.

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